Monday, December 16, 2013

First Wire Change

I got a little behind on first wire change was actually on 11/20/13 which was 9 weeks after my braces were put on.  I have Damon braces so they just had to slide the doors open, take the wire out, put the new wire in and shut the doors.  I was surprised that the actual process didn't hurt at all.  It did feel very tight once they put the new wire in and my teeth were sore for a few days.  I am still in a light round wire.  Last week (3 weeks after wire change) the wire started sticking out of the back of my last bracket and poking me in the cheek.  Now this was very painful.  It tore up my tissue and it hurt to eat.  I had to go in for them to trim the wire.

This is a pic of my new wire.  Not sure if you can tell, but it is a little thicker than the first wire.

 Here is the first wire for comparison: