Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bite Opening more on right side

About 2 weeks ago I noticed that my bite had opened up on the right side.  I could no longer feel my molars touching when I bit down.  I tested this by trying to bite down on a piece of paper,  I was able to pull it right out when biting on my right side, but when biting on my left side I was still touching and could hold the paper in place while pulling.  I know that my bite would be changing and it is possible for it to get "worse" before surgery, but I still called my orthodontist to let him know. He wanted me to come in so he could take a look.  So I went in today and he confirmed that I was no longer touching on my right side.  He said there was about 1mm of space between those molars.  He said the brackets on my LEFT molars were really close to the bite-line and he was going to move them to allow the teeth on my RIGHT side to come back together.  I don't totally understand this.  But he removed/ repositioned the 3 brackets on my upper LEFT molars.

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