Tuesday, April 8, 2014


"Orofacial myology is the study of normal and abnormal patterns of use of the mouth and face and their relationships with dentition, speech and vegetative functions."

The most common oral myofunctional disorder is the tongue thrust. 

I stumbled across the term "orofacial myology" while doing research on my open bite surgery.  I found a journal article that stated treatment for anterior open bite should include orthodontics, surgery and orofacial myofunctional therapy.  

So then I started researching orofacial myology.  Basically it is therapy to help treat your tongue thrust.  I am currently working with a therapist who is teaching me to correct my tongue resting posture, swallowing and mouth breathing.   It is really important to know that these issues CAN BE CORRECTED.  It is all about learning the new, right way to do things and then making it a habit.

I think this is a really important thing for anyone having this type of surgery to know about.  I did not hear about this through my ortho or surgeon, i had to find out about it by myself.

A really good resource is the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM).  You can search for a certified myologist in your area and read about the field. Here is their website: http://www.iaom.com/IAOM/

See picture below.  The pic on the left is from 12/2/13, before I started myofunctional therapy.  The pic on the right is from 3/18/14, after having 4 sessions with my therapist and doing daily practice on my own.

You can see on the right that my lips are closing easier and my chin is less strained.  More relaxed/natural.  I absolutely recommend this type a treatment from a certified orofacial myologist!!!

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